Price of Air Transport from China to Slovenia

Current Air freight price per kg from China to Slovenia in 2020

Current Air freight price per kg from China to Slovenia in 2020
Airport of departure Airport of destination Price(RMB/KG) Airline Direct/transit Flight Transportation time(days)
URC Urumqi Diwobao International Airport ≥45kg ≥100kg ≥300kg ≥500kg ≥1000kg PO /SU /TK  
LJU/Ljubljana 40.5 27 24.8 22.5 21.5 URC-LEJ-LIU 2,3,4,5,7 2~3 days
PEKBeijing Capital International Airport   * 17.5 17 17 16.5 LH PEK-VIE-LIU 1,2,4,7 3 days
CAN Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport   * 23 19.5 19 18.5 CA CAN-FRA-LIU Everyday 5 days
PVG Shanghai Pudong International Airport   * 20 20 20 20 KL PVG-AMS-LIU Everyday 5 days
SZXShenzhen Baoan International Airport   * 26 20 19.5 16 PO SZX-LEJ-LIU Everyday 5 days
Valid date:2020.02.07 - 2020.03.07

"Air freight price per kg from China to Slovenia in 2020" lists the air transport costs fro different weight segments from different international airports in China to the capital of Slovenia, the prices and routes of airlines with various advantages, and the time required for air transport.

We take the departure airport from China to Slovenian, URC Urumqi Diwobao International Airport / PEK Beijing Capital International Airport / CAN Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport / SZX Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport, as reference. Among them, the flights of Xinjiang's Urumqi Diwobao International Airport to Europe are mostly airliners, with few flights per week. The goods exported from Xinjiang are few, and most of them are import goods by air.

The price of international air transport between Xinjiang and Slovenia is lower than that of import. In addition, the price of air transport from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Ljubljana airport has the most reference value. This is closely related to the share of air cargo exported from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Slovenia. Most of the export cargo to Slovenia takes off from Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

From the above list, we can get a general idea of the cost of air transport from China to Slovenia. For goods less than 100 kg, no matter which airport they take off from, few airlines provide services, so the list is marked with "*".

For goods more than 100 kg, the lowest price is RMB 17.5/kilogram, while the highest price is RMB 27/kg; for goods more than 1 ton, the lowest price is 16.0/kg and the highest price is 21.5 /kg. The less the weight is, the bigger the price difference is. Different airlines arrange different routes and aircraft types between China and Slovenia within a week, some of which are airliners and some are freighters.

For the same set of goods of thousands kilos, packed in pallets, the price of air transport may be lower than that of freight aircraft. However, aircraft usually only accept goods packed in cartons, and one set of air cargo can only be within hundreds of kilograms at most.

Therefore, although the unit price of air transport from China to Slovenia is cheap, it can not meet the requirements of transportation, so we can only choose the freighter with high price. For example, PO Polar Airlines have airliners and freighters between China and Slovenia. For the same departure airport, PO has different price of air transport for different cargo weights and volumes. The bigger and heavier goods needed to be transported at one time is, the higher the price will be.

The transportation time from China to Slovenia is different. The time required by different routes is different, st least 2 to 3 days, and even more than 7 days. There are no direct flights between these two countries. They all need to transfer at other international airports, such as LEJ Leipzig Halle International Airport in Germany, FRA Frankfurt International Airport,VIE Vienna International Airport in Austria, AMS Amsterdam International Airport in the Netherlands.

The more common airlines that provide air freights and services from China to Slovenia include: PO Polar Airlines, HU HNA Cargo, CA China International Cargo Airlines, LH Lufthansa Airlines, TK Turkish Airlines, SU Russian Airlines and KL Royal Dutch Airlines. Be familiar with the specific airlines that provide air services to Ljubljana airport from different airports, so as to save the time of consulting airlines who do not have air cargo service here.

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